
                  Malawi is 118480 square miles and is slightly larger than Pennsylvania. It's natural resources are limestone, uranium, coal, bauxite, phosphate, graphite, granite, black granite, aquamarine, tourmaline, rubies and sapphires. The natural hazards of Malawi are floods and dry spells. The land use is divided into 3 different catergories; arable land, permanant crop and other. The arable land is cultivated for maize, wheat and rice and are replanted after each harvest.  The permanant crops are cultivated for citrus, coffee and rubber that are not replanted after harvest. Other includes pastures, farms and meadows.
          The currency and exchange rate is 152.879 Malawian Kwachas for 1 american dollar. The GDP is 2.1 billion and the GDP per capita is $650. The population below poverty line is 53% of the population. The labor force by occupation is 90% agriculture. The exports/imports are beans, coffee, corn, cotton, garbanzos, peanuts, peanut oilseed, rice, sugar, and tabacco (cigarettes). Infranstructure in Malawi is in need of urgent attention. The road and rail system are inadequat in quality and extent and is made more serious by the country's reliance on land transport to compensate its lack of sea access.
           The amount of internet users was last recorded in 2000 at 15,000. The internet hosts number is 13.