Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fundraising for Malawi

Money raised will be used to support feeding programs for orphans, agricultural demonstration projects around village bore holes (wells), empowerment projects for women and scholarships for students and pastors.

Team leader Dennis White said Malawi, known as the "warm heart of Africa," is slightly smaller than Pennsylvania and has a population of 13 million people. Ninety-three percent live without electricity and 50 percent do not have access to clean water. The average income is $160 a year and the average life expectancy is just 44 years. One million orphans live in Malawi and 1.8 million people are infected with HIV-AIDS.

"We are blessed to live in the United States," said White, "and Robert Pierce, founder of World Vision, reminds us, 'Don't fail to do something, just because you can't do everything.' '

As sad as this is, I think that there's a bright side to it. People are seeing what's going on and taking action. They're finding out what these people need and supplying them because they can't help themselves.

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