Monday, May 24, 2010

Madonna Outraged By Imprisonment Of Gay Men

An outraged Madonna ripped a Malawi judge for sentencing an engaged gay couple couple to 14 years of hard labor - based strictly on their sexual orientation.
"I am shocked and saddened by the decision made by the Malawian court, which sent two innocent men to prison," Madonna said Friday in a statement posted on her web site. "Malawi took a giant step backward," the singer continued. "The world is filled with pain and suffering; therefore, we must support out basic human right to love and be loved." The two were arrested under Malawi's colonial-era laws banning homosexuality after throwing an engagement party at the hotel where Chimbalanga worked. The two were taken into custody Dec. 27, convicted Tuesday and sentenced Thursday to the maximum term. Their lawyer said the two men will appeal the conviction. "I call upon the progressive men and women of Malawi - and around the world - to challenge this decision in the name of human dignity and equal rights for all," Madonna said.

As much as I believe Madonna to be a total fame whore, I believe that this is a very good thing that such a famous person would speak out about this issue. Granted, she probably wouldn't have spoken out if she hadn't adopted kids from there but either way her words will help reach people who probably otherwise wouldn't know about the situation.

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