Monday, May 10, 2010

Calagary moms make promise to moms of Malawi.

Recently, a business consultant from the calagary and vice present president of Lifeline Malawi named Barbara, has spoken with a newspaper about her work in Malawi. She was telling about how, while she was driving through the countryside, she came across a building in shambles. There were children going in and so Barbara followed them in. It was a school for blind children but the teacher was teaching with no supplies, no money and no support. None of the kids in the class had shoes as well. Children in Malawi have the worst maternal mortality rate; 164 times higher than Canadas. One in eight children die before they are 5 years old. Barbara has started fundraising to earn money for the families and children of Malawi as well as money to help people with AIDS and HIV get medicine to get better.

This is really sad because this is such a widely spread issue and it's a hard thing to cure since there's not much you can do to make these women get help other than encouragement. The fact that one in eight children die before they're 5 is really sad because every child should be able to grow up healthy but these kids won't live to see their sixth birthday.

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