Monday, May 24, 2010

Church Of Scotland Defends imprisoned men

Reverend Ian Galloway, convener of the Kirk's Church and Society council, has condemned the jailing of a Malawian gay couple as "unjust". Townge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza were sentenced to 14 years in prison with hard labour last Thursday after being arrested on 28 December 2009 for their 'symbolic' wedding. Reverend Galloway said: "These men have harmed no-one. They are a danger to no-one and should not be in prison." The Kirk is currently struggling to reach an agreement over the subject of ordaining openly gay ministers after last year's appointment of Scott Rennie to Queen's Cross, an issue which split the Church. The General Assembly, the Church of Scotland's annual supreme court meeting, is currently being held at The Mound in Edinburgh, where Reverend Galloway said he hoped they would unite over the Malawi case.

I think this is really good because although homosexuality is against many peoples beliefs, this church is sticking up for these men. They didn't do anything to anybody so I also believe they shouldn't be in prison for being engaged. The worldwide response is good for these men because the more publicity they get then the worse the government of Malawi looks so they'll eventually be forced to release the men.

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