Monday, May 10, 2010

Malawi bans Polygamy, Muslims angered

Malawi officials declare the ban on polygamist marriages but Muslim spokesperson says this is discrimintation on Muslim minority. The spokesperson says 6% more women than men would be left without husbands and resort to prostitution. The gender minister banned this in order to prevent women from being abused in polyamist marriages. "When a man has two, three, four wives, they are not co-operative - one will be the loved one," said Gender Minister Patricia Kaliati. Those who are already in Polygamist marriages will not be affected but if someone were to become into one now will be arrested.
Personally I think this is a good idea to ban. Marriage is a sacred thing between man and wife, not man and wives. The act of polygamy is a man being greedy and selfish to take more than one woman to be his wife as well as childish in a sense that he cannot only have one wife, but he must have more.

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