Friday, May 7, 2010

PMTCT battles missing moms and missing drugs.

Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission is gaining ground on raising awareness but there still is the issue of not enough medicine. Today, 45% of pregnant women are accesting PMTCT services. In 2007 there were only four PMTCT sites. Now there are 32. In Malawi, things are improving medically with a decent amount of women are having deliveries in hospitals although over 40% have their babies at home. One out of every fifty babies is HIV positive when DBS tests were conducted on the babies. The whole point of PMTCT is to bring medicine to people who have AIDS and HIV and to get them to a healthier state. The drugs are expensive and many people are sick due to moms who have HIV and passing the sickness down to their children.

In my opinion I think it's great that people are starting to take action for this cause. It's going to be a really long process trying to contain this virus since it's so deadly and can take lives very quickly. But I think the more attention that's brought to it, the easier it will be to improve conditions.

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