Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Malawi in need of nurses

Malawi is in need of more nurses and midwives to offer better reproductive health services in hospitals. National Organisation of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi (NONM) said recently that the number of nurses in the country was still low and that it needed to triple if health services are to be improved.
Reports say that currently the southern African country has about 8,000 nurses and midwives and that only half are at the bedside when women are giving birth.
“There is a critical shortage of nurse midwives and this inadequate number has resulted in women delivering on their own,” said NONM Project Manager Harriet Kapyepye. The past years have seen many nurses and doctors leave the country for overseas in search of greener pastures. But a senior professor at University of Malawi’s College of Medicine said many doctors and nurses were now coming back to work in the country. The decrease in number of the intake of students to pursue nursing is also said to be bringing about the shortage.

I think that this is a big problem since there are not enough people to take care of others and nurses. But the fact that there are more nurses and doctors coming is good because they really need them.

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